12 Days of Consciousness B


Hier nun die zweite Hälfte der gesungenen Möglichkeiten, bewusst im Jetzt zu sein. Mir macht es Freude, mitzusingen, es auswendig zu lernen und ein neues Bild von Türen zu machen. So verschieden sind wir – manchen gefällt die Umdichtung und diese Art von Erinnerung – und manchen nicht. So verschieden sind wir. Und doch EINES.

On the 7th day of consciousness my true self said to me

Hold to your bounderies, Detach from the outcome,  Stay on your breath! Go deep within, Hold Self-Compassion, Speak your truth, always live in your fullest authenticity

On the 8th day of consciousness my true self said to me

Nurture your inner child, Hold to your bounderies, Detach from the outcome,  Stay on your breath! Go deep within, Hold Self-Compassion, Speak your truth, always live in your fullest authenticity

On the 9th day of consciousness my true self said to me

Accept the As-Is, Nurture your inner child, Hold to your bounderies, Detach from the outcome,  Stay on your breath! Go deep within, Hold Self-Compassion, Speak your truth, always live in your fullest authenticity

On the 10th day of consciousness my true self said to me

Trust in your divinity, Accept the As-Is, Nurture your inner child, Hold to your bounderies, Detach from the outcome,  Stay on your breath! Go deep within, Hold Self-Compassion, Speak your truth, always live in your fullest authenticity

On the 11th day of consciousness my true self said to me

Know you are worthy, Trust in your divinity, Accept the As-Is, Nurture your inner child, Hold to your bounderies, Detach from the outcome,  Stay on your breath! Go deep within, Hold Self-Compassion, Speak your truth, always live in your fullest authenticity

On the 12th day of consciousness my true self said to me

Choose abundance, Know you are worthy, Trust in your divinity, Accept the As-Is, Nurture your inner child, Hold to your bounderies, Detach from the outcome,  Stay on your breath! Go deep within, Hold Self-Compassion, Speak your truth, always live in your fullest authenticity


About the Author web336

Humandesignsystem Analytiker/Lehrer (IHDS-Ausbildung), Genekeys Guide, Integral Life Consultant, 33 Jahre lang als Gymnasiallehrerin tätig gewesen. Engagierte Kommunikationstrainerin (gewaltfreie Kommunikation nach M.Rosenberg)

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